"Design an intervention strategy tool about the needed interventions for the target group of persons with a work disability. Gain insights through research about the leverage points within this target group to decide the key interventions."

‘Mio’ gives the opportunity to consciously deal with loss. When using the product, the grieving person can request a moment with a loved one. Grieving is a very personal process that Mio tries to guide in a meaningful way.

We quickly began to explore forms and corresponding projections. The idea of a spinning top intrigued us quite early in the process and we explored this further. Alternative materials, such as textiles, were also considered and included in these initial explorations.

‘Mio’ is a word that is derived from Japanese; it means beautiful and cherished. This refers to the meaning of our product, by using Mio we cherish those who have passed away and reminisce about the beautiful moments together.